Morris Academy  

Please click on the following link to view our school opening information.

Welcome to Morris Academy


-Parents will be able to access OPTIS at 4:00 pm on Friday, November 29th, which is the end of Term One. 

-Reports will go home on Tuesday, December 3rd. 

-Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, December 5th. We will be having an early dismissal at 11:30 am and conferences will take place from 1:00 - 7:00 pm.

-Photo retakes are scheduled for December 4th.

-We have students who have allergies toward peanuts, and peanut/nut products. Therefore, we request that you NOT send any foods to school with your child that contain these ingredients.

-Students are encouraged to show their support for the Terry Fox Foundation by donating under Morris Academy through the link below. We are pleased to say that Morris Academy has been participating in the Terry Fox Walk for the past 17 years and in total we have raised almost $8 500.00.   Terry Fox Walk

Daily Schedule 

8:40 a.m. First Bell

8:45 a.m. Classes/Instruction Begins

10:15 a.m. Recess

10:30 a.m. Classes Resume

12:00 noon Lunch

12:45 p.m. First Bell

12:50 p.m. Classes/Instruction Resumes

2:50 p.m. Dismissal